Grüning und Loske


Our company in transition

Chronicle of G+L

Looking back on the history of Grüning & Loske GmbH, the transformation of the family business, which is still owner-managed today, becomes clear. Established by his father Klaus, who set up a warehouse and production facility at his home in Hemmingen / Hiddestorf in the 1970s alongside an office in Hanover’s Südstadt district, the current Managing Director Dirk Loske was involved in the company’s fortunes from an early age and became a partner in 1998. He made a significant contribution to the further expansion of the current site in Rethen near Hanover and considerably extended the area of application technology services. Today, more than 50 employees work at this site in warehousing, production and administration. The family has grown, but we are and will remain rooted in the Hanover region.


Friedrich Rahlfs GmbH is founded. As a technical wholesaler with its own seal punching shop and assembly of semi-finished rubber and plastic products,
it supplies industry and trade in the construction and sanitary sector.


Founding of the sole proprietorship Erich Grüning with a focus on rubber products and main agency for Tretorn.
The technical trade, mining and large-scale industry are the customers.


Klaus Loske becomes a partner at Erich Grüning. Trelleborg products are included. Exclusive distribution rights for well-known rubber and fittings manufacturers are added, significantly expanding the product range. Products and services open up new fields of activity.
The company develops into Grüning & Loske Mining-Service und Armaturen GmbH.


Klaus Loske takes over Friedrich Rahlfs GmbH, founded in 1876.


Klaus Loske unites his two companies Grüning & Loske GmbH and Friedrich Rahlfs GmbH in a new building in Rethen with administration, production and warehouse under one roof.


In March, Dirk Loske becomes a partner at Grüning & Loske GmbH and makes a significant contribution to the expansion of core competences, in particular application technology services.


The two companies merge to form Grüning, Loske & Rahlfs Systemtechnik und Handels GmbH. An important step towards becoming a successful system supplier by combining products and services as a customised complete solution.


Construction of a further warehouse at the company headquarters in Rethen.


Construction of a modern high-bay warehouse in the hall built in 2002.


Change of name to Grüning & Loske GmbH.


The purchase of an autoclave marks the commissioning of the “Corrosion and Wear Protection” technical workshop in Hall 1. In future, rubber-to-metal joints can be professionally joined here.
In Marketing, PIM software is introduced for the first time, which enables automated catalogue production and is to be used as a B-2-B platform in the future. The further expansion of C-parts management ensures optimised procurement processes for customers in the industry.


The acquisition of an additional 6,000 square metres of space at the company headquarters in Rethen lays the foundation for the expansion of the technical workshops and storage capacities.
At the same time, we press ahead with the expansion of the technical workshops by building and commissioning an in-house sandblasting and painting area. An expansion of the field service brings us closer to our customers.


The expansion of the SAT specialist workshop for high-pressure hoses and suction and pressure hoses now also enables hydraulic hose crimping for industrial hoses up to a nominal diameter of 300 mm.
Furthermore, a pressure testing system up to 400 bar is purchased.


The establishment of the product development department for hose and valve technology, plastics and rubber technology, steel construction, cast parts in stainless steel, brass and aluminium is driven forward.
It is also the beginning of the partnership with the Turkish manufacturer SEL – Danfoss.


With an external warehouse of 800 m², urgently needed additional storage space is created.
In the administration department, the sales and field service as well as marketing are expanded.


The technical workshops are being expanded further, with major investments being made in steel construction,
metal processing and hose production in particular.



† Heide Loske

The construction of the new warehouse, Hall 3, with high-bay racking and a storage area of 1,300m² at the company headquarters finally begins.
The addition of the new Polyurea 2K spraying technology division is the logical continuation of the corrosion and wear protection division, which was previously limited to hot rubber coating. Polyurea opens up new possibilities, including internal pipe coating.
At the same time, the expansion of the wear rubberisation area is being driven forward.
Expansion of mobile pressure testing up to 480 bar, in-house up to 2,800 bar.


† Klaus Loske

The sandblasting system is expanded.


Planning and start of construction of hall 4/5 with a further 1,750 m² of warehouse and workshop space.


The completion of Hall 4/5 and the relocation of the SAT workshop and warehouse are the major milestones of the year.
In addition, the SmellMaster Truck division is added to the odour neutralisation product range.


Start of the conversion of Hall 1 as a workshop for coatings (polyurea, rubber coating, sandblasting and painting).


In future, the services in the field of wear and corrosion protection will be summarised under GrüloCoat Systems.
For the first time, a quartz sand silo will be coated using the 2K hot spraying process.


The first major orders for the expanded paint shop include the refurbishment of containers. From preparation to completion, including painting in the customer’s chosen colour and applying logos, everything is done under one roof.
A lot is happening in the rental park sector. In addition to the legally required testing of hose lines for the rental park,
G+L also offers the optimum transport racks for hose lines and pumps.


The old Hall 1 is being completely remodelled and renovated to create accessible painting and sandblasting booths. The aim is to cope with the increased order volume and create space for new things.


With the start of the Russian war of aggression against the Ukraine, G+L founds an association to support aid deliveries to the Ukraine – GrüloHilft e.V.i.G.
For this purpose, donations are collected, but also vehicles are purchased, which are driven to the Ukraine, fully loaded, at great risk.
In the future, G+L will offer 3D printing of prototypes or small series as a new service. The purchase of a 3D scanner will also make it possible to produce CAD drawings for customers or for quality assurance purposes.
The topic of sustainability and CSR assessment has also left its mark on G+L. For the first time, we are assessed by the CSR rating portal EcoVadis.
We achieve the bronze medal at the first attempt.


A blast wheel system now complements the sandblasting and painting area.
Bronze is followed by a silver medal in the EcoVadis CSR rating. The new motto is Go for Gold!


With the acquisition of major new customers who require pressure testing of their hose assemblies or transport and storage racks for their rental park components, the expansion of on-site hose testing and the rental park service continues. This requires additional space on the premises.
The relaunch of the website and the first B2B online shop enters its final phase. Completion is planned for the middle of the year and is being funded by the BMWK’s “Digital Jetzt – Investitionsförderung für KMU” programme.

Our commitment


We see it as our duty to make a contribution to environmental and climate protection and to improving the living conditions and health of our fellow human beings

Social engagement

We are committed to our fellow human beings, to culture, social issues and the environment in our region and beyon


We are a supporting or active member of various organisations. A good network is the key to success.

News and events

Support and contact

You can reach us in various ways – via the contact form or you can get in touch with your contact person directly by email, telephone or fax. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our working hours

Monday – Thursday: 


7:30 – 16:30 Uhr

7:30 – 14:00 Uhr

Sundays excluded


Support and contact

Our working ours

Monday – Thursday: 7:30 – 16:30 Uhr

Friday: 7:30 – 14:00 Uhr

Sundays excluded